“Clean Sky” JTI (Joint Technology Initiative) Research Programme offers opportunities for the whole European Aeronautical supply chain, SMEs, Research Centres and universities.

Publié le par François Alex

Les PME aéronautiques et spatiales britanniques sont alertées par leur syndicat sur les opportunités qu'offre le programme CLEAN SKY... Un exemple à suivre !

The Society of British Aerospace Companies

SBAC is the UK's national trade association representing companies supplying civil air transport, aerospace defence, homeland security and space. SBAC encompasses the British Airports Group and the Industrial Space Committee. Together with its regional partners, SBAC represents over 2,600 companies, assisting them in developing new business globally, facilitating innovation and competitiveness and providing regulatory services in technical standards and accreditation.

SBAC functions through a structure of Boards and Committees governed by Council and facilitated by the company SBAC Ltd. Our industry information is organised by our representative market sectors - civil air transport, aerospace defence & homeland security and space systems & services and by operational activity - market development, communications and industrial transformation. 

Clean Sky JTI Press Release 2006


Brussels (Come on Board) – The “Clean Sky” JTI (Joint Technology Initiative) Workshop organised by AeroSpace & Defence Industries of Europe (ASD) took place in Brussels today ...

... presenting the ambitious 7-year Research Framework Programme plan for a greener generation of European aircraft. A large participation of the European aeronautic network is required in order to ensure successful implementation of the Clean Sky JTI. Today’s event gave an opportunity for possible associates and partners to express their views and present relevant areas of excellence. More than 200 representatives of industry, research centres and universities participated in the workshop. For full details click on pdf below. For further information, check the ASD website (link below) or contact: Karoliina Rasi-Hedberg PR & Communications Manager ASD – AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe Tel: +32 2 775 81 33 E-mail: Karolina.rasi-hedberg@asd-europe.org  

 Click here for full press release


“Clean SkyJTI Research Programme offers opportunities for the whole European Aeronautical supply chain, SMEs, Research Centres and Universities.

 Click here to read the press release

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